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Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects millions of children and adults worldwide. While its primary characteristics involve difficulties with attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, recent studies have explored potential links between ADHD and dental health. This article aims to shed light on how ADHD can impact oral health, dental problems associated with ADHD, and practical strategies to improve dental hygiene for individuals with ADHD. Additionally, we will briefly touch upon medical conditions that may coexist with ADHD.

Can ADHD Cause Dental Problems?

While ADHD itself does not directly cause dental problems, it may contribute to certain behaviors that can negatively affect oral health. The core symptoms of ADHD, such as inattentiveness and impulsivity, can impact an individual’s ability to maintain a consistent dental hygiene routine. Forgetfulness and difficulty focusing on tasks may lead to frequent neglect in brushing and flossing, increasing the risk of dental issues.


Moreover, some individuals with ADHD may have difficulty adhering to appointments and treatment plans, which can exacerbate dental problems. Untreated dental issues like cavities and gum disease may worsen over time and lead to more severe oral health problems.

How Does ADHD Affect Oral Health?

Dental Hygiene Neglect

Individuals with ADHD often struggle with maintaining a consistent dental hygiene routine. Due to inattentiveness and forgetfulness, they may find it challenging to establish regular brushing and flossing habits. As a result, plaque can build up on teeth, increasing the risk of cavities, gum disease, and other oral health problems.


Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is more prevalent in individuals with ADHD. The hyperactive and impulsive behaviors associated with the condition can contribute to teeth grinding, especially during stressful situations or while attempting to concentrate on a task. Chronic teeth grinding can lead to tooth wear, enamel erosion, jaw pain, and even temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.

Tics and Oral Habits

Some individuals with ADHD may develop tics or repetitive behaviors, including oral habits like lip biting, tongue thrusting, or cheek chewing. These habits can put excessive pressure on teeth and soft tissues, potentially leading to dental malocclusions, chipped teeth, and oral discomfort.

Poor Diet Choices

ADHD-related impulsivity can influence dietary choices, leading to a preference for sugary and processed foods. Consuming excessive sugary snacks and drinks can create an acidic environment in the mouth, promoting the growth of harmful bacteria and increasing the risk of tooth decay.

Medication Side Effects

Certain medications commonly prescribed to manage ADHD symptoms may cause dry mouth or xerostomia as a side effect. A dry mouth reduces saliva flow, impairing the mouth’s natural defense against bacteria, which can lead to an increased risk of cavities and oral infections.

Dental Anxiety and Phobia

Some individuals with ADHD may also experience dental anxiety or phobia due to sensory sensitivities, fear of unfamiliar environments, or concerns about potential discomfort during dental visits. Dental anxiety can deter them from seeking regular dental care, leading to neglected oral health and worsening dental issues.

Difficulty in Accepting Dental Procedures

The impulsive and hyperactive nature of ADHD can make it challenging for individuals to sit still or remain calm during dental procedures. This behavior can pose difficulties for dental professionals trying to perform treatments, leading to potential incomplete procedures or the need for sedation.

Lack of Oral Health Education

Children and adults with ADHD may struggle with absorbing and retaining oral health education, which can hinder their understanding of the importance of dental care and preventive measures. This lack of comprehension may further contribute to poor oral health habits.


“Patients with ADHD complained more of toothaches, oral trauma, teeth grinding, and bleeding gums as well as having more decaying tooth surfaces.”

Chopra, A., Vishnupriya, V., Gayathri, R., & Kavitha, S. (2022). Knowledge and awareness of dental students on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research, 13(Suppl 1), S308.

How Can Individuals With ADHD Improve Their Dental Hygiene?

Set Reminders and Alarms

Individuals with ADHD can use alarms, timers, or smartphone apps to set reminders for brushing and flossing routines. Consistent and timely reminders can help them establish a structured dental care schedule.

Use Visual Aids

Visual aids, such as checklists or posters, can be beneficial for individuals with ADHD to follow a step-by-step dental hygiene routine. These aids can serve as helpful visual cues, reinforcing the importance of each task.

Create a Dental Hygiene Kit

Assemble a dental hygiene kit that includes a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and any other necessary dental tools. Keeping the kit organized and readily accessible can make dental care more manageable.

Adopt Electric Toothbrushes

Electric toothbrushes can be advantageous for individuals with ADHD as they offer a more automated and thorough cleaning experience. The vibrating motion of electric toothbrushes can also be stimulating, making the task of brushing more engaging.

Use Floss Picks or Interdental Brushes

Flossing can be challenging for some individuals with ADHD. Using floss picks or interdental brushes can simplify the process and make it easier to reach between teeth.

Encourage Supervision for Children

Parents or caregivers should provide support and supervision, especially for children with ADHD, to ensure they are brushing properly and for the recommended duration.

Optimize Bathroom Environment

Organize the bathroom to minimize distractions during dental care. Reducing clutter and sensory distractions can help individuals with ADHD focus on the task at hand.

Break Tasks into Smaller Steps

For individuals who struggle with attention and task completion, breaking the dental hygiene routine into smaller, manageable steps can be helpful. Celebrate each completed step to reinforce positive behavior.

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement and rewards for consistent dental hygiene efforts can motivate individuals with ADHD to maintain good oral health habits.

Dental Apps and Games

Utilize dental apps or interactive games designed to teach and reinforce proper oral care techniques. These tools can engage individuals with ADHD and make dental hygiene more enjoyable.

Dry Mouth Management

If dry mouth is a side effect of medication, staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water and using sugar-free gum or lozenges can help stimulate saliva production and alleviate dry mouth symptoms.

Sensory Considerations

For individuals with sensory sensitivities, experimenting with different toothpaste flavors and textures or using a soft-bristled toothbrush can make dental care more comfortable.


“Associations have been more studied between periodontitis and systemic diseases and the contribution of oral inflammation and microbiota to diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and Alzheimer disease (AD).”

Sabharwal, A., Stellrecht, E., & Scannapieco, F. A. (2021). Associations between dental caries and systemic diseases: a scoping review. BMC Oral Health, 21, 1-35.


What Medical Problems Are Linked To ADHD?

  • Learning Disabilities: ADHD often coexists with learning disabilities, such as dyslexia or specific learning disorders. Children with ADHD may face challenges in processing information, following instructions, and staying focused in educational settings.
  • Sleep Disorders: Individuals with ADHD commonly experience sleep problems, including difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or maintaining a regular sleep schedule. Sleep disturbances can exacerbate ADHD symptoms and affect overall well-being.
  • Mood Disorders: ADHD is closely associated with mood disorders, such as depression and bipolar disorder. The challenges of coping with ADHD symptoms, along with feelings of frustration or low self-esteem, can contribute to the development of mood-related issues.
  • Anxiety Disorders: Anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder and social anxiety, are prevalent among individuals with ADHD. The impulsivity and inattention associated with ADHD can lead to difficulties in managing anxious thoughts and feelings.
  • Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD): Children with ADHD are at an increased risk of developing conduct disorder or ODD. These conditions are characterized by defiant, aggressive, or antisocial behaviors, causing difficulties in social and academic settings.
  • Tourette Syndrome: Tourette syndrome, a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary movements and vocalizations (tics), can occur alongside ADHD. The prevalence of ADHD is higher among individuals with Tourette syndrome compared to the general population.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): ADHD and autism spectrum disorder often co-occur. Some individuals may exhibit symptoms of both conditions, making it important for clinicians to conduct comprehensive evaluations for accurate diagnosis and management.
  • Substance Use Disorders: Individuals with ADHD are more susceptible to developing substance use disorders, particularly nicotine and alcohol. Self-medication, impulsivity, and risk-taking behaviors are among the factors contributing to this association.
  • Obesity and Eating Disorders: ADHD is linked to an increased risk of obesity in both children and adults. Impulsivity and poor impulse control can contribute to unhealthy eating patterns and difficulties in maintaining a balanced diet.
  • Cardiovascular Issues: Some studies suggest a possible association between ADHD and cardiovascular problems, such as hypertension (high blood pressure) and cardiovascular events. However, more research is needed to fully understand this relationship.
  • Epilepsy: There appears to be an increased prevalence of epilepsy among individuals with ADHD. Although the exact link is not well-established, shared genetic and neurobiological factors may contribute to this association.
  • Allergies and Asthma: Some research indicates a potential link between ADHD and allergic conditions, such as asthma and hay fever. However, the underlying mechanisms connecting these conditions remain unclear.


While ADHD does not directly cause dental problems, it can have a significant impact on an individual’s ability to maintain proper dental hygiene. By understanding the challenges associated with ADHD and implementing practical strategies, individuals can improve their dental health and minimize the risk of oral health complications. Regular dental check-ups and collaboration between patients, caregivers, and dental professionals are crucial for maintaining optimal oral health in individuals with ADHD.
