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Sedation Dentistry in Sugar Land, TX

Are you scared of the dentist? Do you feel anxious? You’re not alone, 60% of people are fearful of the dentist! It can be the fear of pain, smells, drills, or a plethora of reasons. We understand that going to the dentist may not be the easiest. That’s why it’s important to us to offer different relaxation options while you’re here!

As a baseline we will always offer local anesthetic, this is something that most are familiar with. These are usually injections that induce numbness. This alone can be enough to comfort a patient but sometimes, we need an extra boost. Sedation dentistry isn’t limited to those who have anxiety at the dentist. Sometimes it may help patients who have a strong gag reflex or physical limitations. When using relaxation dentistry, it provides a more comfortable experience and better outcomes for each patient!

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Laughing gas, or nitrous oxide, may be used as a mild sedation. It is mixed with oxygen and provides and a relaxing sensation. This is non-invasive and quite comfortable since it is done via a nose hood. During your dental visit, you will be able to listen and answer your dental care team. Following the procedure, you will feel conscious and alert, meaning a safe drive home without a designated driver!

Advantages of Nitrous Oxide Sedation

  • Safe for All Ages: Nitrous Oxide is a safe and effective analgesic.  To compensate for differences in ages and body composition, a trained dentist will adjust the mixture of Oxygen and Nitrous so that each patient has an individualized and safe experience.
  • Fast and Effective: Laughing gas is popular in dentistry not only for its ability to calm and unnerve anxious patients, but also for its short timeframe for effectiveness from delivery.  In most cases, NO2 will help a nervious patient relax in just a few minutes after the start of application.
  • No Long Term Drowsiness:  Nitrous Oxide application has the benefit of being short term in duration .  This allows the trained dentist to only use the correct amount needed for each specific procedure.  It also allows the patient the ability to leave the dental office unescorted.

Disadvantages of Nitrous Oxide Sedation

  • Mask Fitting: Some patients may find that the mask is uncomfortable to wear for long durations.  In cases such as this, the dentist may recomend an alternative solution.
  • MTHFR Patients: Patients that suffer from complications with MTFHR (methylenetetrahydrofolate  reductase) gene are not able to use NO2 sedation in most cases.  Please discuss with your dentist on alternative solutions.
  • Not Suitable for Every Patient: Patients with history of COPD or Drug abuse should not use Nitrous as an analagesic at the dentist office as this can cause further complications.


Oral Sedation

Oral sedation may be deeper than laughing gas. This is a prescription pill prescribed by the dentist and to be consumed one hour before the procedure. The oral sedative prescribed is usually a type of Benzodiazepine. Oral sedation works to sedate the patient and may induce drowsiness so it is important to bring someone over the age of 18 along to take you home.

Advantages of Oral Sedation

  • No Needles: Many patients are afraid of getting shots at the doctor alongside having a general fear of dental procedures.  The pill format of this method makes administration easier for patients with high anxiety.
  • Easy to Administer / Safe in low quantities: All drugs prescribed are regulated by the FDA and deemed safe for use during dental procedures.  As these drugs are used on a n extremely limited and infrequent basis at the patient level, we believe these to be good options for highly anxietal patients.

Disadvantages of Oral Sedation

  • Not immediately effective: Unlike intravenous and nitrous oxide sedation, you will not feel immediate effects.  Pill sedation requires the medicine to flow through your digestive system to feel effects, thus the wait period of 1-2 hours from time of consumption to procedure start time.
  • Sedation level is constant and not easily changed: Everyone metabolizes pills differently, so it’s hard to tell how long it will take for the sedative to kick in. Depending on the effectiveness of the medicine for a particular patient, additional drugs may need to be prescribed.

Intravenous Sedation

IV or intravenous sedation may be used to achieve a state of relaxation that is ideal for lengthy or complex procedures. Oftentimes, wisdom teeth removal are done with IV sedation. Patients may feel drowsy and may even doze off while in the chair. That is why we have a team of specialists to monitor vital signs and maintain safety. Much like oral sedation, IV sedation will require a designated driver.

Advantages of IV Sedation

  • Significantly Reduces Anxiety: IV Sedation works well in reducing anxiety and fear without rendering the patients completely unconscious.
  • Highly Predictable: Intravenous sedation is a highly predictable form of sedation, meaning the dentist and clinic’s staff will be able to regulate the level of sedative medication required and administered predictably and in real time

Disadvantages of IV Sedation

  • Side Effects: Patients occasionally experience side effects from IV sedation. The most common side effects associated with intravenous sedation are headaches, dizziness and nausea.


Is Sedation Dentistry Right for Me?

With so many options it may be difficult trying to find the best fit. When you come in for your visit, be open and honest with your dentist! In doing so, we will be able to find the right sedation type for you and ensure comfortability. This could mean being transparent about medical history and medications. You should always strive to find a dentist you are comfortable with so that your visit goes as smoothly as possible. At Pure Holistic Dental, we are committed to serving our patients with the care you deserve. If you’re nervous about your dental visit, schedule a consultation and see how we can work together to help you get your health back on track.
