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Teeth are the most important part of your body. They protect the soft tissue in your mouth from the outside world, help you talk, chew food, smile at people, and even keep track of how old you are. But how many people know that teeth are living body parts? They’re actually bones! And they grow continuously throughout our lives—even after we’re born. Here’s more about how these important structures work.

Teeth Are Living, Growing Bones

Just like any other body part, your teeth are living, growing bones. The hard structure of your teeth is made up of dentin, a hard, bony material that makes up most of your tooth’s body. Dentin surrounds a softer tissue called dental pulp inside the tooth (the pulp contains nerves and blood vessels). 

Healthy teeth have an intact layer of enamel on top that protects them from damage by biting or chewing food. This protective layer also helps keep bacteria out of your mouth so they can’t cause decay or gum disease. This enamel wears away over time due to excessive plaque buildup or erosion caused by acid produced during digestion. It won’t be able to protect against further bacterial growth inside your mouth anymore!


What Are The Different Parts Of A Tooth?

The parts of a tooth include: 

  • Crown & Enamel—the outside layer of the tooth 
  • Dentin—the middle layer of the tooth 
  • Pulp—the innermost layer, which contains nerves and blood vessels


A tooth has many parts. It has a crown, which is the visible part of the tooth. The crown has a hard outer layer called enamel and a softer inner layer called dentin. A tooth also has a root, which is hidden inside your jawbone. 

The root comprises two parts: the pulp chamber and the dental canal. The pulp chamber contains nerves and blood vessels. It’s where your teeth get their nourishment from your gums. 

The dental canal is an empty space that leads into your jawbone. It’s lined with cementum, which helps hold the tooth in place.

The Dental Pulp Is “Living Tissue”

Yes, that’s correct! The dental pulp is considered a “living tissue” because it contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue that provide nourishment and sensation to the tooth. The dental pulp is located in the center of the tooth and is responsible for producing dentin, the hard tissue that makes up most of the tooth structure. Without the dental pulp, a tooth would not be able to function properly and would eventually die. Maintaining good oral health and having regular dental check-ups can help to keep the dental pulp healthy and functioning.

What Causes Damage To Your Teeth?

You’re probably familiar with the most common causes of damage to your pearly whites: bacteria, gum disease, and tooth decay. But other factors can affect your oral health. Some of these are:

  • Poor Oral Hygiene

Neglecting to brush and floss regularly can lead to plaque buildup on teeth and gum lines. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that can produce harmful acids that attack tooth enamel and cause cavities. Flossing helps to remove plaque and food particles from between the tooth where brushing cannot reach, reducing the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Dental relaxation helps soothe any dental problems that you might face. It includes the use of aromatherapy, blankets and entertainment, nitrous oxide, and pain-free injections to help you relax during dental treatments.

  • Sugar & Acidic Foods

Consuming too much sugar and acidic foods and drinks can weaken the tooth enamel, making it easier for harmful bacteria to penetrate the surface and cause cavities. Acidic foods and drinks, such as citrus fruits, sports drinks, and soda, can also erode tooth enamel and increase the risk of tooth sensitivity. It’s important to limit sugary and acidic foods and drinks and to drink plenty of water to help rinse away any harmful residues.

  • Smoking & Tobacco Use

Smoking and using tobacco products can stain teeth and cause bad breath. These habits can also increase the risk of gum disease and oral cancer, leading to tooth loss and other oral health problems. Quitting smoking and tobacco use can help to protect the health of your tooth and gums.

  • Teeth Grinding

Bruxism, or grinding your teeth, can cause damage to the enamel and result in pain, sensitivity, and tooth loss. Bruxism is often caused by stress or anxiety and can occur unconsciously during sleep. A dental guard or bite splint can help to protect your tooth from grinding.

  • Trauma

Physical injury to the mouth can result in a chipped, cracked, or broken tooth. This can occur due to sports injuries, falls, or other accidents. Wearing a mouthguard during sports and being careful to avoid falls and other accidents can help to protect your teeth from trauma.

  • Dry Mouth

Saliva helps to neutralize harmful acids in the mouth and keep teeth healthy. Chronic dry mouth, caused by medications, medical conditions, or aging, can increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Drinking water and using saliva-stimulating products can help to manage dry mouth symptoms and protect the health of your tooth.


It’s important to protect your teeth and maintain good oral health to prevent damage. This includes regular dental check-ups, a healthy diet, and daily oral hygiene practices.


How To Take Care Of Your Teeth?

There are several measures you can take to keep your teeth healthy and thriving. Here are 3 of the best methods to take care of your teeth:

Brush Your Teeth Twice A Day

This might be one of the best ways to protect your teeth and keep them healthy. Bushing stimulates the gum, which keeps them healthy and also prevents disease. It is one of the most important things you can do to maintain the health of your teeth and gums. Use toothpaste with natural ingredients that are beneficial for your teeth and overall health.

Floss Daily

There is a high chance of food getting stuck between your teeth. This can cause decay and bad breath. It helps remove plaque. Plaque is a sticky film that coats the enamel layer of your mouth. It releases an acid that eats away this shell and gives rise to cavities. Flossing daily helps clean between your tooth and avoid the production of plaque. You can use different interdental cleaning products like flossing thread, electric flossers, dental tape, etc. 

Visit The Dentist Regularly 

Sometimes, it is not enough to brush and floss your teeth to keep them clean. Visiting the dentist regularly for dental cleanings and checkups, even if you don’t have gum disease or tooth decay symptoms at your visit. This will help prevent future dental problems and catch them early when they’re still small and easier to treat–and less expensive!

The Bottom Line

To sum up, teeth are living bones that can be damaged and repaired. They’re also alive with nerves that send information to your brain about what you’re eating. Take care of them by brushing twice daily and visiting the dentist regularly so they can catch problems early!



Q: Can teeth feel pain?

A: Yes, teeth can feel pain! They contain nerve endings and blood vessels, making them a living part of the body that can sense and respond to sensations like pain. So don’t ignore that toothache!

Q: Do teeth have a pulse?

A: Technically, no, teeth don’t have a pulse. But they have their blood supply, which keeps them nourished and healthy. And if you think about it, a healthy tooth beats the rhythm of a healthy smile!

Q: Are teeth related to our personality?

A: While teeth are not directly related to our personality, they can certainly impact our self-esteem and confidence, which can, in turn, affect our personality and behavior. So, taking care of our teeth and keeping them healthy and strong is important.

